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“We have no tears left to cry:” Brazilian city ruined three times by intense flooding

13 de maio de 2024 | por

Moradora de Muçum, no Rio Grande do Sul, anda em meio a lama após o município ser atingido por fortes chuvas e enchentes em 2023
Reunião de ministros de Finanças e Bancos Centrais no G20 na Bienal do Ibirapuera

In the G20, Brazil lists “information integrity” as a principle


The country seeks to be in the center of discussions about fighting disinformation and hate speech
Manifestação durante os Diálogos Amazônicos demanda que a região fique livre de petróleo

COP28: Increase in Oil Production in Brazil May Nullify Gains from Zero Deforestation


New calculation shows CO2 emissions from burning Equatorial Margin oil are 3 times Brazil's goal for 2030
Com as mãos em formato de concha, homem segura castanhas-do-pará

El Niño threatens Brazil nut production


The El Niño event of 2015-16 led to a 37% fall in production of the crop in the Amazon region of Brazil
Abel José de 43 anos é um sacerdote da Umbanda. Abel José é um homem negro e está com colar de contas, camisa azul de botões e chapéu de palha, ele aparece em frente de um altar com as imagens de Santa Luzia, Cosme e Damião, São Jorge, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Preto Velho, Iemanjá e da Cabocla Jurema.

Surge of evangelical churches threatens Afro-Brazilian religions Brazil’s quilombos


Followers of Umbanda in four Northeastern traditional communities are resisting pressure to convert to Christianity
Navio plataforma da Petrobras

Petrobras foresees oil record and may curb reduction of greenhouse gas emission


Data show that the state-owned company may go in the opposite direction of foreign oil companies in terms of emissions
Peixes e corais no Parcel de Manoel Luís, região alvo de exploração de petróleo

Offshore oil plans in Brazil threaten South America’s largest coral reef


Regional government defends oil drilling in the Pará-Maranhão basin despite vetoes from Brazil’s environmental regulator
Foz do Amazonas vista por satélite.

Petrobras’ oil plans in Equatorial Margin cause concern in French Guiana


Agência Pública traveled to the country to understand how our neighbors feel about oil prospecting on their border
Imagem exposta no corredor da secretaria de Educação de Dona Emma, na imagem, crianças com um adulto posam para a foto em frente às bandeiras do Brasil e uma bandeira estampada com uma suástica nazista.

Brazilian town displays photographs containing Nazi symbols in a public building


Dona Emma, a small town in southern Brazil founded by a german colonization society, has a history of extremist groups
O sociólogo Boaventura de Sousa Santos é um homem branco com cabelos grisalhos. Na imagem, Boaventura usa óculos e terno preto com camisa branca

Brazilian state deputy says she was sexually assaulted by Boaventura de Sousa Santos


State deputy Bella Gonçalves' account is one of several accusations made against the University of Coimbra professor
Crianças Yanomami em redes de descanso

Ex-vice president admitted illegal mining problem in Yanomami territory, but failed to act


Hamilton Mourão, now a senator, was the president of the body responsible for efforts to protect the Brazilian Amazon
Fiscais do Ibama em operação de combate ao garimpo ilegal na terra indígena yanomami

A frontline view of the fight against illegal mining in Yanomami territory


A day on the job with Brazil’s environmental agency inspectors in search of clandestine gold mine sites
Seguranças da BBF

Palm oil producers launch an avalanche of litigation in Northern Brazil


Brazil Biofuels has engaged in a ‘judicial crusade’ against victims and investigators
Donald Trump e Jair Bolsonaro lado a lado durante evento

15 Trump tactics that Bolsonaro adopted before and after the elections to attack democracy


An analysis by Agência Pública details how Bolsonaro copied Trump's main tactics after losing the presidential election
Foco de incêndio em região de floresta na Amazônia.

A new Bolsonaro government means “we will surely lose the Amazon”, researcher claims


A new study led by Luciana Gatti details how CO2 emissions in the Amazon doubled in Bolsonaro’s first 2 years in office

Trump allies campaign online for Bolsonaro and spread lies about electoral fraud


Steve Bannon and other allies of the former US president have claimed that the Brazilian elections were fraudulent
O Congressista Jamie Raskin é um homem branco, com cabelos e olhos escuros. Raskin veste terno e gravata, e aparece em frente â bandeira dos EUA.

Jan. 6 committee member investigates ties between Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin and Orbán


Jamie Raskin comments sugestions sent to the Biden administration in the event of democratic rupture in the country
Joshua Scacco é professor da Universidade do Texas. Joshua é um homem branco com cabelos e olhos escuros, ele veste um terno cinza, gravata preta e camisa azul.

With democracy under threat, journalism has to change, researcher says


Political leaders engage in anti-democratic communication to play in the attention economy, Joshua M. Scacco
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