Agência Pública

I died in Maré / Je suis mort à Maré


This documentary has been produced by Marie Naudascher and Patrick Vanier, two French journalists based in Brazil, thanks to a crowdfunding organized by the São Paulo based AgenciaPública. « I died in the Maré » documents how the children of the Maré, in Rio de Janeiro, see themselves and the violence that surrounds them.


Today, Maré is one of Rio’s most dangerous favelas, torn by drug gang rivalries as well as by constant invasions by military and civil police. How do the children understand this reality? What are their fears? After weeks following these children, they eventually draw us pictures of their reality. It’s too risky to talk too much…”

I died in the mare from Agência Pública on Vimeo.

Je suis mort à Maré 

Ce documentaire a été réalisé par Marie Naudascher et Patrick Vanier, deux journalistes français travaillant au Brésil, grâce à un crowdfunding organisé par l’Agence d’investigation “Pública”, basée à São Paulo.

“Je suis mort à Maré” donne la parole aux enfants de la favela Complexo da Maré, à Rio de Janeiro, et explore leur vision de la violence. Maré est aujourd’hui encore l’une des favelas les plus dangereuses de la ville, partagée entres les factions rivales, lesmilices et les incursions de la police.

je suis mort à Maré from Agência Pública on Vimeo.



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