Sandra Vargas Itaboraí

Sandra Vargas Itaborai, 61, self-employed I arrived in Metro in 1987. I managed to put together some savings, and I bought a two-bedroom house. It didn’t have an inside bathroom when I bought it. I remember at the time it was 12,000 cruzeiros. I moved, I was living in Meier at the time in a

Ricardo Real

I lived in the Metro favela. My house had a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony. It wasn’t big, but it was comfortable. Firstly, City Hall came and marked everyone’s houses, registering everyone, saying that the favela was at risk of falling down, because the Metro line went underneath it,

Josemar do Nascimento

Josemar do Nascimento, 58, fridge worker I lived there for 10 years. It was a two-bedroom house, with a living room too. They came to take out the houses to build a new road, which is what happened. [What did it feel like, to watch your house being demolished?] Nothing, there was nothing I could

Painting the wall

João Paulo Oliveira 2 de December de 2017
"Buscar informação é o melhor caminho."