
Do you have any query regarding our residency program? See our FAQ below

Casa Pública
13 de abril de 2016
Este artigo tem mais de 8 ano
Idioma English

(Para ler a versão em português, clique aqui)

1. How should the R$7k grant be used?

The way the reporter and media outlet finds best. It can be used to fund the reporter’s expenses during the residency, for example. It is important to remember that the grant will be paid in Brazilian Reals when the reporter arrives in Brazil.

If the reporter and media outlet decide to use the grant to pay for travel costs to Brazil, Agência Pública will take on the task of buying tickets (the date and hour to be decided by the reporter) and the value will be discounted.

Upon registering, the reporter should send a budget plan, explaining how he/she plans to spend it in Brazil.

2. Can I use part of the grant for my salary?

Yes, the reporter can opt to use the grant as a salary, keeping in mind that Agência Pública will not cover costs such as transport, food or the contracting of any other services.

3. Can I take a photographer?

Yes, but the value of the grant will still be R$7,000 and this will have to be divided between the reporter and the photographer.

4. Do I need to insure my equipment?

It is not mandatory, but keep in mind that Agência Pública is not responsible in case of damage of theft. We strongly recommend that you insure your equipment.

5. What kind of stories can I propose?

We are seeking stories of human rights violations owing to the mega-events in Brazil through the eyes of foreign reporters. We want to show these realities, which cannot be ignored, to other countries, as well as all the problems that affect the Brazilian population in the lead up to the Olympic Games.

Read more: Casa Pública opens vacancies for foreign reporters covering the Olympic Games

6. Can I propose video reports?

Yes, we accept reports in all their diverse forms. We are looking for innovation.

7. I don’t speak Portuguese. Can I still take part?

Yes. We accept reporters who speak English, Portuguese or Spanish.

8. I am a freelance journalist. Can I take part?

Freelance journalists can participate if they have an outlet which has promised in advance to publish the report resulting from the residency, guarantee the travel insurance of the reporter and send a letter certifying the link with the journalist.

9. I am a foreign journalist and I already live in Brazil. Can I take part?

No. The call is exclusively for journalists outside of Brazil, as the idea is that the journalist lives for a month in Casa Pública, using its facilities and working alongside other reporters.

10. What does Pública consider an independent media outlet to be?

We understand them to be outlets which do not have links with big media groups, political groups, organisations or companies.

11. Can I register just one story idea? If I want to register with more than one, do I need to fill in the form twice?

You can include all the stories you want to do and that will be published by the media outlet for which you work. In this case, both ideas should be included on the same form.

12. Are the dates of the residency flexible? Do I have to stay throughout the whole period?

The residency must take place between the days of July 20 and August 20 of 2016. The reporter must stay for a minimum of 15 days.

Não é todo mundo que chega até aqui não! Você faz parte do grupo mais fiel da Pública, que costuma vir com a gente até a última palavra do texto. Mas sabia que menos de 1% de nossos leitores apoiam nosso trabalho financeiramente? Estes são Aliados da Pública, que são muito bem recompensados pela ajuda que eles dão. São descontos em livros, streaming de graça, participação nas nossas newsletters e contato direto com a redação em troca de um apoio que custa menos de R$ 1 por dia.

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