
Residency program offers a free stay at Casa Pública to those interested in investigating human rights related issues in Rio de Janeiro

Casa Pública
11 de agosto de 2017
Este artigo tem mais de 7 ano
Idioma English

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Agência Pública invites international reporters to participate in Casa Pública’s residency program. Brazil’s first cultural center for journalism, Casa Pública functions as a support system and focal point for the production and discussion of independent and innovative journalism in Latin America.

This second edition of the program offers free housing and mentorship to its participants and seeks to create a support system for journalists interested in reporting on a wide variety of topics linked to human rights. The application process begins on August 11th and all applicants must fill out this form online.

Every month Publica will select two journalists to spend at least 15 days living at Casa Publica while they work on their stories. The residencies will take place in September, October and November of 2017 and in January, February and March of 2018. Applications will remain open through this entire period and will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Journalists will be selected through a two step application process. The first phase of the process requires all interested reporters to fill out the online form. In phase two, only selected applicants will be interviewed via Skype by Publica’s coordinators. Candidates will be chosen based on their prior experience and the topic they plan to investigate while in Rio. Publica will contact the finalists on a month to month basis.

Free housing and access to all the amenities available in Agencia Publica’s office space are only some of the perks included in the residency program. Residents will also receive support from Agencia Publica while drafting their stories including access to local sources.

“Here you have all the support you need to report in a foreign country and in an environment where you feel comfortable and a lot more informed about the social political reality at large.”, explains Caterina Clerici, an Italian journalist who participated in Casa Publica’s first residency program.

After completing the residency program, participating reporters may have their pieces published in foreign outlets and in Agencia Publica’s website in Portuguese.


In order to apply, applicants must be able to prove that they have the necessary journalistic experience to and must give a detailed description of how they plan to carry out their investigations. Publica also requires a letter from a media outlet agreeing to publish the piece produced during the residency program. It is strongly advised that residents provide insurance for their equipment.

Publica will not be held accountable for securing visas, providing meals or transportation within Rio de Janeiro.


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