Agência de jornalismo investigativo

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Donald Trump e Jair Bolsonaro lado a lado durante evento

15 Trump tactics that Bolsonaro adopted before and after the elections to attack democracy


An analysis by Agência Pública details how Bolsonaro copied Trump's main tactics after losing the presidential election
Foco de incêndio em região de floresta na Amazônia.

A new Bolsonaro government means “we will surely lose the Amazon”, researcher claims


A new study led by Luciana Gatti details how CO2 emissions in the Amazon doubled in Bolsonaro’s first 2 years in office

Trump allies campaign online for Bolsonaro and spread lies about electoral fraud


Steve Bannon and other allies of the former US president have claimed that the Brazilian elections were fraudulent
O Congressista Jamie Raskin é um homem branco, com cabelos e olhos escuros. Raskin veste terno e gravata, e aparece em frente â bandeira dos EUA.

Jan. 6 committee member investigates ties between Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin and Orbán


Jamie Raskin comments sugestions sent to the Biden administration in the event of democratic rupture in the country

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Joshua Scacco é professor da Universidade do Texas. Joshua é um homem branco com cabelos e olhos escuros, ele veste um terno cinza, gravata preta e camisa azul.

With democracy under threat, journalism has to change, researcher says


Political leaders engage in anti-democratic communication to play in the attention economy, Joshua M. Scacco
Na imagem, uma pessoa vota em urna eletrônica.

New Probe Finds Pro-Bolsonaro Fake News Dominated Social Media Through Campaign


The most interacted-with posts on social media contradict trustworthy information about the public’s voting intentions
Vera Magalhães, jornalista e apresentadora do Roda Viva. Vera é uma mulher branca com cabelos e olhos castanhos.

Jair Bolsonaro, A Perfect Example Of Why Autocrats Hate Women


According to Harvard researchers, free and politically active women are a threat to authoritarian leaders
Ato Ditadura Nunca Mais, em 2019. Em protesto familiares levantam cartazes escritos ''Onde estão os nossos desaparecidos?''

Why Brazil Is Excavating An Infamous Torture Center 40 Years Later


An archaeological project are trying to recover the country's painful history of torture during the military regime
Família de Verônica de Macena

Communities in Brazil’s adopt new strategies in fight against desertification


In Brazil’s semi-arid northeast, family farmers are using technology and collective resource management to fight climate change and environmental degradation
Plateia do CPAC 2022; participante levanta bandeira do Brasil

How The Trump Universe Is Backing Bolsonaro’s Reelection Bid In Brazil


Gettr has sponsored conservative conferences in Brazil ahead of October’s presidential elections

Eliesio Marubo: ‘We need the state to maintain a presence in the region’


Brazilian lawyer after indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and journalist Dom Phillips be found dead on June 15

Case of journalist Rubens Valente reveals new censorship and puts press freedom at risk


“It is an attack on freedom of expression and information”, says journalist, condemned by STJ and STF for the publication of the book “Operação Banqueiro”

The hidden marketing machine behind Brazil’s food delivery giant


How iFood used social media to undermine workers’ labor organizing efforts

Brazilian youth fight to decolonize climate justice


Activists from Brazil’s urban peripheries are among the hardest hit by the climate crisis, and they are becoming increasingly active in the fight against it

Canadian miners get high-level lobbying boost for Brazilian Amazon projects


Bank Forbes & Manhattan appears to be aided in pushing its mining interests in Brazil thanks to lobbying efforts by an old army acquaintance of the country’s vice president
Letícia prepara na pia uma mistura de água com farinha, enquanto uma de suas filhas brinca ao seu lado no celular

Brazil: “I skip meals so I can feed my children”


Single mothers who raise their families alone were hit face on by the loss of jobs and income; women are always the last to eat

Exports of threatened species’ timber boomed under Bolsonaro, probe finds


An investigation begun in May this year by the Brazilian Federal Police highlighted “a major scheme facilitating the smuggling of rainforest products
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